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Message to United Iranian-American Society of Oklahoma

United Iranian-American Society of Oklahoma - Iranian  in Edmond OK

United Iranian-American Society of Oklahoma

(405) 283-6854
(405) 283-6854

About United Iranian-American Society of Oklahoma

The mission of UIASO shall be to foster the spirit of unity among Iranians of all faiths and ethnicities, to promote the Iranian culture, to represent Iranian community at the local, state, and national level and to enhance the quality of life for men, women and children across the State of Oklahoma.

This society shall be considered a non-religious, non-political, and non-profit entity.


Primary Office Location

pin PO Box 1395 Edmond OK 73083

pin (405) 283-6854

Social Media

Facebook page for United Iranian-American Society of Oklahoma - Iranian  in Edmond
Message United Iranian-American Society of Oklahoma
(405) 283-6854