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Message to Association of Iranian American Professionals

Association of Iranian American Professionals - Iranian  in San Diego CA

Association of Iranian American Professionals

(858) 215-2427
(858) 215-2427


About Association of Iranian American Professionals

AIAP is a non-profit, non-political, non-religious organization dedicated to serving professional, social and economic well-being of Iranian-American community.

One of the goals of AIAP San Diego is to educate the Iranian-American community. AIAP San Diego does this by organizing regular workshops and seminars at which the experts invited by AIAP San Diego give a talk followed by Q&A.

AIAP San Diego strives to provide Iranian-American Community with networking opportunities. To achieve this goal AIAP San Diego organizes several networking events in year in San Diego. To connect Iranian-American professionals within and outside the community.


Primary Office Location

pin P.O. Box 503944 San Diego CA 92150

pin (858) 215-2427


Message Association of Iranian American Professionals
(858) 215-2427